
Physiotherapy has a vital role to play in helping people to manage the daily challenges of living with MS. We use an approach that enables members to:

Learn to control and co-ordinate movement patterns
Reduce spasticity and encourage more efficient movements
Regain functional abilities

Our two Neuro- Physiotherapists offer appointments throughout the week and the appointments are tailored to individual needs. Our Physiotherapists carry out detailed and careful assessments for our members with MS with the aim of drawing up a treatment plan for each individual.

Our Physiotherapists work closely with our members to both monitor progress and adjust treatment plans accordingly with the aim of helping them to regain movement and co-ordination.​
For those that use our service our Physiotherapists work closely with them to monitor progress from the individual programmes of exercise, with the aim of helping those living with MS stay on track with goals that support daily living activities whether it be walking, feeding , dressing, shopping, vehicle access, getting out and about or back to work or sport.

During the course of the year we also invite members to group Physiotherapy sessions , this offers both a disciplined approach along with the added benefit of support from the peer groups.

Tuesday 10am-2.30pm

Wednesday 10am-2.30 & 4pm-7pm

Thursday 4pm-6pm

Please call our Receptionist to find a suitable booking that will meet with your needs.

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